Bombardier Experience - Tarvel in new Mumbai Local

With announcement of Rail Budget 2015, many new administrative changes and improvement were said to be brought in.
Very recently after starting Closed door in Ladies First Class, the Second announcmenet was made to launch new local trains for better faster and comfortable ride.
With Bombardier Rakes it was to be Assumed to be game changing for Mumbai Local Travelling.
We Team Picescorp decided to hop in Bombardier and check for oursleves how this New Train fares.
We Got Borivali Slow From churchgate Staion - And here is Review or Expeirnce #BombardierWithPicescorp
Look of this Brand New Train is definetly welcome. People in the train could not stop praising the new train.
If you are travelling from Mumbai Local from more than few years, you would be knowing that Old Local meant conjusted journey, which was improved eventually. But Bombardier is spacious than all the previous installment.
Bombardier is strictly 3-Seater Train. There is no room for 4th Seat. may be that is the reason this trains seems So Spacious.
Seats Look good and are comfortable as well.
The Double handle design is pretty good, the holding grip is much more better than previous local trains. This can be really efficient in rush time.
Door handle is that of third fourth size of the door. Getting down or Getting in would be much more easy.
Central Pole between the door has a weird structure, quite funny actually. It starts as a single pole then seperates into two again being one at the end. Where it seperates the gap is pretty wide enough for someone to get stuck in rush time. But offcourse the grip of this pole is much better, than the previous one which was slippery.
The best thing about Bombardier is Smooth Pick up. Trust us when you are travelling by Bombardier you would hardly realize arrival of any station or train picking from any station - reason simple enough, this train has such a smooth pick up that it does not push you forward with brakes or pick up. Smoothest Local Ride has to be in Bombardier
Ride was Smooth and Comfortable even at high speed.
Voice intimation about Upcoming station works fine. People travelling were found complaining that sound is little annoying
Indicators in the train were not working in the train that we boarded.
Major drawback for Tall people - Handles might bang in your head well if you are above 6ft.
Air ventilators and suspension is pretty good.
Stay tuned to know People's Reaction and Comments on Bombardier.
Have you travelled in Bombardier already? Or planning to travel soon? Do let us know your experince in comment box below.