Say Hello To Hello - Caller ID App From Facebook

Hola pola here is the another caller Id App. This Time Facebook has Launched Its Caller ID app named Facebook Hello. It works just like True Caller app, but Only the difference is When a someone calls you whose number is saved in your address book then Hello will show all information regarding the caller. In case caller that has not been saved will call, you will see information that he has opted to share with you on Facebook.
1. Dialer interface comes looks good which comes with T9 directory making it easy to find contact.
2. You can search for friend and business info with just one tap on Hello and you can call them from Hello. You can check direction and information within app for any place
3. You can Block Unwanted Calls for specific time. Blocking calls goes straight to your voice-mail and can be reviewed in your recent calls
Some features of this Hello app seems promising and cool, let us hope they serve what they promise and people like it.
If You want to try out this app, You can Download from Play store
Happy Calling.
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