I am a Hypocrite and So are You!

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I have been craving to vent out my anger against us the Indians, but I have contained myself. Every day seeing this Viral Stories, Videos and Open letter makes me crazy!! Living where I am makes me shiver, not just security or safety but mentality also scares the shit out of me. If you have decided to read this anyways, go on. Don’t expect any logical, grammatically accurate post.
Few weeks back we know the BBC Documentary “India’s Daughter” was released, which was apparently banned, thanks to our Government’s
views that banning it can prevent dignity of our country. Even after ban it was available all over Internet and we all have seen it. I was shocked to listen to what one of the Rapist had to say about the entire “Act of Shame”
He said that it wasn’t our fault its completely girl’s mistake she should have allowed us to rape so she would have might be alive today. If they all get punished with capital punishment or if some strict actions are taken then it will give wrong message to others, stating now when any one raping a girl would not leave her alive, with fear that if he is caught then he will be punished he would rather kill the girl. What kind of mentality this person has? Is he too overconfident or simply fearless? Like “kisika baap mera kya bigad lega” or one possible reason is he is convinced in mind or by his lawyers that nothing is going to happen to him. Is Indian law that pathetic? A criminal committing such a brutal act doesn’t even feel 1 percent regretful. Are our judicial and administrative system spreading out message like do what you want, inside the jail or out life would great? Why criminals here don’t have fear of law? At least there should be strict punishment for such kind of cruel and inhuman crimes.
When this case happened there were lot of protest majorly by the youth of Delhi People were out on streets demanding justice and security. Which is actually what was needed because our government don’t act until and unless there is protest [whether government is of 60 years or that of few months]. If there would be only one punishment for crime like this, within a week execute the criminal then there would be message to others. That if u do such things there is no mercy. But that seems too difficult for our government and judicial system to implement. Lack of Failure of system makes people take law in hand, if you would have read about Case of Nagaland you would know what am talking about. Rape Accused was snatched out of Jail and beaten up to death by local people. Many labelled this act to be justified, but I do not. An eye for an eye does not work in situations like this, that man lost his life, and now we hear speculations that he wasn’t guilty!! Ironic isn’t it, Rapists Rape a girl who has done nothing, and outrage of people kills a man who has done nothing.
No am not saying that one who commits crime should not be punished, all am saying is it needs to be done in a way, we have Judiciary for that. Problem lies in our system, we should demand for a System that not just treats this case seriously with strict actions, but also ensures that the cases are genuine enough [as there are many false rape allegation] I don’t want to compare our country with others, but think for yourself, Why other countries have strict rules against such kind of crimes and we don’t? Corruption is everywhere but at least show some honesty in such kind of cases “kha kha ke bhi kitna khaoge bhai?” Cause of Chalta hain Attitude of us [Where we will protest, run campaigns and after week or two will forget it all], criminals get moral confidence “ha Bhai you are good to go”. Actually this has to be cured from grass root level. Parents should teach their child how to respect others especially women. No again am not supporting Gender Discrimination. Male and Females both need to be equal, all am trying to say is Protest if you see unjust happening with Females. And protest does not happen on Social Media that is for sure. But again we r too busy in this fast life that we unknowingly ignore all this things that matter or some people don’t get time for all this things. Because at end they have to earn money off course life revolves around money right?
Anyways coming back to the main topic that is Hypocrisy. The only thing that has changed in past few years is Offensive nature and that too in a negative manner. When did we become so judgmental to be offended by anything? Yes I agree we live in culture and society which is Narrow minded, limited and agree r not a Big Hypocrite, but does that mean you have to be sheep and follow the flock. And follow the same. Many will argue we are not Hypocrites, we are well educated, not judgmental. But wait I can prove you wrong. Every single person is Hypocrite in the Society that we live, yes you me, everyone.
You don’t get offended by the funny AIB Roast [ even I did not, it was just crazy show with some adult humour, nothing to be offended about], you don’t get offended by India’s Daughter[ because yes RAPE needs to be talks about, Documentary talking about most brutal case should not be banned], You don’t support our Ban[-Chod] Government, you do not support ban on Beef, ban on Fifty Shades and what not, You don’t get offended by LGBT or Homosexual Relations [because it is never about gender but love], you talk about Female empowerment, you share and repost all the Viral stories and Videos that talk about such issues. [if you get offended by any of this anyways you qualify as hypocrite, so stop reading here itself], You stand by Deepika Padukone when she takes on TOI or when she confesses on National Television how she fought Depression, you state that you aren’t judgemental, you are not hypocrite or double faced, But video of Deepika’s Vogue empowerment makes you feel whatthha, on she supporting adultery. [I do not support cheating by any means, but again who are we to comment and get offended? Have we not cheated someone somehow? Let that be any damn relation? We have lied, we have cheated! And common it is a Video that tried and talk about Women empowerment that’s it! Is it like just cause Deepika says Sex outside Marriage is our choice, would make all females run for extramarital affair? If you think so, then I just see how your thinking reminds me of our Government or those hypocrites who requested ban on above mentioned things. And if you don’t think so then, as I said Hypocrite spotted ;)
Please don’t think I am writing all this shit just to support or justify that video, NO. All am trying to say is this is Free Country. One can do what they may like, to get influenced or not is our choice. If you think Fifty Shades, Unfreedom and India’s Daughter should not be banned because they cannot as our officials put it “Ignite unnatural Passions” in one’s mind. Same way Deepika or Other women in Video by Adajania when they talk about their Choice, even that isn’t going to ignite passion to cheat or indulge in adultery right?
We are a Hypocrite society, believe it. Only thing we can do is, preserve for better. As i said earlier from the Grass root level. Teach your child values not the one that you are being doing already. Teach them how to respect every individual and their views. Spend time with your kids, make sure that you don’t be the one who is talking about female empowerment and on the return home beat the shit out of your spouse [again domestic violence can be two ways. No pointing gout any gender] because your kid is growing up watching you. They will not see anything wrong in following what you do. Our Education System is the again one major problem. Lack of quality education, the kind of education and degrees we have need to be changed. Don’t you think if sex education was brought in schools, with proper way of teaching teens wouldn’t have been directed to criminal ways to satisfy their mere curiosity? Teasing each other, passing sexist comments, discriminating on the basis of gender [again am not specifying gender, cause it happens both the ways], these all are very small actions or mind-set until they convert into another Hypocrite or even worst a Criminal.
I know that Change is something which will take years to follow, because 1.2 billion Hypocrite people cannot be changed overnight right? And no again I will not expect that this piece goes viral and ohh everyone changes, that is not even remotely possible. All I wish is if you come across this stuff, do read and give a thought, because I don’t expect you to agree or disagree with me, offend me, judge me or appreciate me. All I wish is you giving thought to this.
Next time if you ever decide to get offended, get offended on your ways before anyone else. If you feel need to be judgmental, well Start with Yourself :)
P.S. neither would I mention my name, nor would I mention my gender. Those who know me can smile or sigh. I don’t need people to judge me, because I can do it myself ;)