#CrashThePepsiIPL Pepsi Ipl Ads Contest Winners

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Pepsi IPL 2015 Final is scheduled for today, that is 24th May between Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians. Crash The IPL Contest recieved superb response including response by Rival Drink company.
Check out Winners Ads of Crash The Pepsi IPL Contest.
## Jury Winners
1. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Served By Nikita Deshpande
The best ad ever, Nikita records all famous and special dishes of 8 cities participating in IPL. This one is really adorable.
2. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Selective Hearing by Pranav Bhasin
Young man visits shop asks for water, the shop keeper pretends not to hear. When other guy arrives and asks for Pepsi, shop keeper immediately replies asking, Diet or Regular.
3. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Ahead of Time by Paul Joji Kokkat
An amazing message with Women empowerment we say.
4. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Rajma Upma by Keerthi Natarajan
North Indian and South Indian families, in rather competitive way showing we are better than other, unless Pepsi comes to the resuce.
5. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Living It by Kaushal Shah
All the small joys of life, captures beautifully and somewhere Pepsi being in those small moments.
## Popular Choice Winner
1. Crash the Pepsi IPL - Boom Man by Gaurav Nayyar
Celeb shooting for ad when Common man interupts and take over.
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