Salt is nothing but sodium chloride which we call it as salt. Some people even tag salt as the fourth element like fire, water, and earth. Salt attract waters it dissolves easily in water. It’s made up of sodium and chloride. Quantity of Salt is to be found everywhere in our body from our blood to the stone.
So What is salt made of? Its combination of sodium and chloride, when they come together they form an ironic bond. when multiple sodium chloride come together come it form cube when multiple cube come together they form crystal. Salt is great conductor of electricity. Salt lowers the freezing temperature of water, that is why it is used for de-icing into road, but it’s also used to rust bridge and cars. Anything which is made from iron, most obvious use of salt is in our food because it tastes good and satisfy iron need of human body. Best part about Salt is that it is naturally recyclable, so we are never going to run out of it. Salt is available on almost everywhere on earth, in dry ocean bed, in ocean seawater [containing 2.5% salt].
So how do we get salt from the sea?
Harvesting seawater need serious patience. And location for the same, it requires low rainfall and high incidence solar energy, High vaporisation, large land. When water slowly evaporates it results in salt. All of Salt is produced with little human intervention. In some part of world, salt lake are created from ocean with human intervention. Utes Great Salt Lake is one of example. Today salt has many usage but in beginning it was about only food preservation and surviving. Evaporating sea water is only way to get salt.
Salt can save as well as can kill you. Salt is one energy source of future. Salt is in our blood. Wherever salt goes water follows, thus when one has too much intake of salt in body it increase blood pressure. To regulate blood pressure one needs to get rid of salt, so as to get rid of excess water.
So why salt has that unique taste? The salty taste? Because it contains sodium irons.
From where we get our table salt which we use in food? Salts mine are formed underground using water. It’s called solution mining. In Solution mining, salt is extracted by forcing water under pressure into a bore-hole drilled into an underground salt bed or dome. The salt dissolves, turning the water into brine and creating a cavern in the salt-bed. The brine is then pumped back to the surface and on to the purification plant where calcium, magnesium and other impurities are removed before beginning the brine evaporation process. Dry salt mining is just like coal mining.
That salt is also used for de-icing road ice so they have used those space for salt museum. Strata, also known as Kansas underground salt museum, is located in Hutchinson, Kansas, united states. It is built within one of the world’s largest deposits of rock salt and provides the opportunity to go 650 feet (198 meters) beneath the earth’s surface. It is a unique destination attraction for exploring an environs carved from salt deposits formed 275 million years ago. The museum is located in the Hutchinson salt company mine which began operation in 1923 as Carey salt company. There are 14 other salt mines in the United States, but none of them are accessible to tourists main reason of storage is salt lower the humidity by 45%
The relationship of salt and water is bit complicated in ocean is delectably blanked life sustaining co-existence. In body it’s more of co-dependent. Spilling salt on ice roads it’s become really love hate situation. (Because it’s rust the iron so Cars Bridge can get damage)